ChatGPT update & AI Chatbot in 10 minutes

Hey there,

Recently, I’ve been inconsistent with the newsletter due to it not being my top priority.

But now we’re back!

Going forward, I am going to shorten the letters as much as possible to save your time.

Open AI Update

OpenAI just released their waiting list for Search GPT, which will be ChatGPT actively searching the internet when giving answers to questions.

Currently, the top similar solutions are Microsoft Copilot ( and (my personal favorite). Both incorporate internet searches just like Search GPT will do when it gets released.

Free FAQ AI Chatbot

I recently created this video tutorial on how to build an extremely simple FAQ AI Chatbot, with the goal of getting as many businesses using this solution to save time and money.

How to implement it:

(Use the video as a helping hand).

  1. Go to and grab the Free resource.

  2. Create a Voiceflow account here.

  3. Import the JSON file.

  4. Rewrite the prompt.

  5. Add custom knowledge, from your business.

  6. Customize after your design.

  7. Implement script into website backend.

Chatbot Case study

Scorett, one of the biggest fashion brands in Sweden, decided to implement our AI Chatbot on their e-commerce store for their outlet website.

Just like almost all fashion and apparel companies, the support team at Scorett has to handle many repetitive customer service inquiries, and customers often have to wait to get answers to their questions.

With this in mind, the goal consisted of two points:

1. Providing quick answers to customers.

2. Simplifying the handling of complicated questions.

After only 27 days of implementing their chatbot, this goal was met. The chatbot handled 473 interactions (answers to questions) while still maintaining a high rating of 4.58 out of 5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest rating.

"We at Scorett are super satisfied with the results from the chatbot. We can see in the saved conversations that customers are satisfied with the answers, and we have seen a reduced load on customer service regarding outlet questions."

- Vidar Tirén, E-commerce Manager at Scorett.

Read more about how their goal was met on our website:

Want to achieve similar results? Book a demo!

Now you have even more opportunities to start using AI in your business, for free.

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Receiving a high volume of incoming customer service requests?

Book a demo to find out if we can help you handle customer service through an AI employee on your website that works 24/7, 365 days of the year.

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