My AI Secret

What is the secret?

None of my posts, emails, or other long-form texts are written entirely by me.

I always use AI for correcting grammar.

I personally never like doing something wrong; it always has to has to be correct.

Sure, I write all my texts myself because I enjoy doing it. However, I outsource the boring task of grammar correction to AI.

Spelling and grammar mistakes in longer texts can be easily fixed using the following free method:

  1. Go to and enter "Grammar Checker" in the GPT search field.

  2. Use this prompt:

Correct the grammar in this text: (INSERT TEXT)


  • Provide the corrected text first.

  • Then, provide explanations for the corrections.

  1. Copy-paste the corrected text.

This is completely free and often provides corrected grammar in 15–30 seconds.

Sure, you can use tools like Grammarly or other apps, but I prefer to write my long texts quickly. Then, I just copy-paste them and give them a quick one-time read-through.

Using AI in your business and personal life is often free or low-cost, while the cost of inaction can be significant. Many companies and individuals lose time and money every month by not using AI, even though it is easy to use by learning more yourself or hiring help.

And if you work in e-commerce and want to avoid wasting valuable human time on manual customer support, book a demo below to find out if an AI customer service employee, working 24/7, could help.

(30-day trial available)

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